Thank you for viewing our privacy policy as it is important for us to update our users with certain information that they need to know pertaining to the use of  the site and the personal information of account holders, contributors and their services on .

Collected and written information

The collected information displayed through the content writing is for the mere purpose of catering to the informative need of users to know about the fashion, health and beauty trends and practices. There is no inclination of the site to promote the selling of products or promoting business of other sites. The information published on the site is based on web research, fashion shows, authentic reporting and all other fashion related news updates.

Article content is thoroughly checked for being authentic and any publication of identifiable personal  information, names and email address are for the sake of information for the users only and  in no way are used by the site for its own vested interest, site violation or intimidation. Such material about  itself is also allowed to be used for informative purposes by other sites.

 There can be no claim of copyright issue in this case as the sole purpose of the site is to enhance and modify the existing published information to highlight the trending changes as they happen.

 Personal Information usage 

 The personal information provided in the account users profiles are for the sole purpose of direct contact and dealing between  the admin and account holder. You personal information is highly confidential and the site administration tends to retain your privacy and clearly declines to give away your information details to any third party. The site will use your personal information only for matters concerning its own matters pertaining to  work  accountability, inquiries, alerts, updates , notifications and contribution matters that are related to the interest , duties or rights of the users and contributors in relation to the site.

 The site administration reserves the right to keep checks and balance on user accounts to monitor any mischief or unusual activity but will not in any way tamper with the details provided by you. However; under violation of any law; your personal information  will be disclosed to concerning authorities for which the site administration is fully competent.

Your account details such as your name  can be used for being published along with your article . Regarding the display or holding back of your personal information or contributed material, you may feel free to claim your right or inquire from the site admin.

Your personal information remains fully confidential and will not be shared or deleted from the site accounts once you resign from further contribution as it will be kept for  the sake of record in complete privacy.