Nail Whitening Tips


Your nails can be a factor of great embarrassment if they lose their innate white texture and display stained and patchy shades. Covering them up with the painted look of hot nail polish shades is no permanent solution to the issue. Though not a serious medical condition, yet it needs great attention if you wish to keep alive the charm of your hands, which are on display at all hours. Certain Nail whitening methods can come in handy for removing the stained perosnlity look of the hands.

Let your nails breathe

One of the best Nail whitening tips is to refrain from a 24 hour polished look with nail polishes seven days a week. The continuous polished surface prevents oxygen from reaching the nail surface- which is vital for their health and innate texture. So, even if you have to apply a nail polish, make sure to wipe it off at night as that will not only mainatin a clean look but also  be a great and one of the most effective Nail whitening tip you might get results from.

Nail Whitening Tips


After having used nail polish for the desired event or hour, always ensure to slightly scrub the nail texture;   as well as from underneath, to whisk away any fungal or bacterial infestation that might be there. Scrubbing also removes the dead and roughness of the nail which can carry impurities that maight lead to the staining. This Nail whitening tip tends to promote the hygiene as well.


A whitening tooth paste is one of the effcticve ways of Nail whitening. Appy a bit on the nails and rub in on the nail with a brush. It tends to fade away any traces of stains that might be there.


Being a vigorus natural citric bleach, lemon tends to be a good cure for Nail whitening. Squeeze out a few drops of fresh lemon juice on to the nails and rub on the nail surface. Acting as a bleaching agent, it will fade away the yellow or brown look of the nails and restore the natural semi white shade. Since lemon is quite strong, always apply baby oil after its use so that it does not dry up the skin.

Baking soda & lemon

Make a mixture of the two products and form a good paste. Apply on the stained nails and leave on for about  5-6 minutes , then rinse off with water.

 Denture cleansing tablet

This is a cosmetic tablet  you can get in the market. It readily dissolves in water and is a fabulous cleanser which helps to clear away the stained patches on the nail. Simply disslove a tabet in to water and soak your fingers for a while.







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