“Honey, you look gorgeous”- a compliment every women loves to hear. The ensnaring cosmetic industry is aware of the fact that every woman yearns to hear this line; it’s basically music to their ears. Hence, they create all sorts of catchy ads to convince and allure women that only their product can help them look beautiful; eventually persuading them to fork out money on endless treatments and assortment of products.
But seldom do women know that instead of consenting to throw cash on such expensive cosmetic brands they can receive admiration by simply using raw honey.
Strange as it may seem, this natural amber-colored sweetener is a magic potion that works wonders on the skin. It not only helps to retain the natural skin glow but also turns back the clock making one look younger. Below are some of the motivating skin results that might prompt you to go beautiful the natural way.
One of the prime skin care results every woman crazes for is facial radiance and honey as a natural product can help you get just that the safe way. The easiest way is to layer it as a mask. Apply it on face for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. After using it for few days, notice how it clarifies the skin by unclogging the pores; concurrently moisturizing and soothing the parched skin resulting in instant facial glow. Mixing it with coconut oil makes it an excellent make-up cleanser as well.
Young girls often freak out at eruption of pimples. In fact, pimple or acne breakout is every girl’s worst nightmare especially if occurs just a few days before an important occasion. Hence, for all those who want to get rid of pesky pimple problem and desire to have spotless skin just in time before the on the main event- use honey as a home remedy.
Being naturally antibacterial, honey prevents growth of micro-organisms. It controls the excess production of sebum on the skin, thus stopping breakouts of pimples. Every beautician approves that honey combined with cinnamon mask has effective zit zapping power.
Honey is a great remedy for all types of seasonal skin dryness and to banish traces of dehydrated skin especially during winter, you can apply it as a skin moisturizer to revive and restore a soft and supple looking skin texture. Being a natural humectant, it has the natural tendency to lock in the moisture and thus serves as a great way to keep the skin moist and supple safe from dryness and itchy skin.
Ageing is natural process in which the skin becomes dull and looses its firmness and elasticity because of the constant loss of moisture. Honey is an antioxidant and benefits by tackling the process of ageing through replenishing the lost moisture to reveal a younger looking skin.
All those who desire to diminish the age lines and spots on the face, must apply use honey and milk on the face before going to bed. Within few days the skin will appear firmer, spotless, young and fresh.
Conclusively, every woman craves for compliments and possesses the innate desire to look gorgeous; but not all may not consent to going prodigal with hefty spending on beauty treatments. In such case, honey is the perfect cure no matter what the skin type.
However, apart from boosting the outward beauty of your skin, there are multiple science backed health benefits of honey which should motivate you to add this sugary liquid in your daily diet.
( Read More on Health Benefits of Honey)
It’s an overall package of beauty and health; economically result-oriented in every way. so what are you waiting for? Get sweetened up right now!
1 Comment
I’m totally happy that you pointed out the anti-aging benefits of honey. I couldn’t agree more. Thanks for the share. Very beneficial 🙂