Pros & Cons of Shyness


Shyness is a weak character trait of behavior which is a serious drawback that encumbers and stagnates your will to be expressive and facilitates the development of a sensitive personality. It is a serious impediment which basically gives an upshot to a sense of fear that tends to overwhelm the will power to come to the forefront confidently and makes a person vulnerable and incapable of having a grip over factors that encourage a confident personality growth.

It develops mainly in childhood; whereby limited or no social interaction, domestic environment, lack of participation and fear  tend to negate one’s ability to gain the confidence to make ones self be noticed and heard. Such a weak character trait in a personality tends to remain in the background despite having all that caliber which can make them successful in life.



However; Just because a person tends to remain in the background due to shyness, hesitation or insecurity, it should not be mistaken for  being incompetent or a weak personality. Though  this weak character trait  is a factor which promotes many shortcomings in behavior and determination and needs immediate attention; yet people who are shy are great observers who tend to introspect  things very profoundly and have strong and judicious judging abilities which makes them more decisive, intelligent, wise, vigilant and articulate In their thought and perceptions  than other people who tend to react and think  impulsively. Their academic standing is stronger than their professional field of action where confidence is the key to success. These qualities of a personality which are an outcome of shyness tend to hone out an individual who is alert and well aware of what he has to do- but this is where his limit of actions tend to end.


Due to this weak character trait  and inability of being inexpressive, a person due to shyness is not able to implement his plan of actions in the best of manner and the upshot is domination and suppression by others.  He tends to let himself be manipulated by what others think and want to do while His own opinions and views tend to linger on with his desires. From the professional perspective, shyness is a serious weak character trait which is a factor that can overshadow your scope of promotions and distinction because life is a race and only the toughest survive.  Letting shyness as a weakness overwhelm your  skills , is a signal for others to surpass you- which they will happily be obliged to do.


It is imperative to realize the drawbacks of shyness and the negative impacts it bears on your personality.

  • Deliberate efforts should be implemented willingly to negate its creepy growth since day one of childhood. This piece of homework
    is for the parents who should encourage participation, social exposure and extracurricular activities of their children in school so that they have that factor of courage in the evolutionary stages of personality development.
  • For grownups the situation of this weak character trait is different as many social and personal influences and experiences can be a ground of shyness in them. For them How to do this? Foremost sit down and think over what hampers your abilities to be unexpressive and work on those flaws by exposing yourself to situations, things and people that you are apparently and needlessly hesitant or fearful of.
  • Incessant interactions, extra social activities and participations are some of the punch lines of gaining confidence in you and eradicating the trait of hesitancy.


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