Quick Natural Treatments for Pimples


Pimples are a non critical inflammation caused on the skin due to bacterial infection in the sebaceous oil glands whereby; the excessive oil secretion due to the infested bacteria swells up filled with pus and can be painful. The face, neck, shoulders and back are the most vulnerable areas to have pimples.  Ranging from small pimples to an accentuated condition of large pimples, they not only are a great blow to ones beauty but also very irritating and make a person despondent. However; you can get rid of this facial and bodily nuisance with some with natural treatments for pimples. 


Crushed or cubed Ice is one of the best ways to increase blood circulation in any area and it is one of the most effective natural treatments for pimples that offer quick results in getting a clear face.  The increased blood circulation and freezing of the skin pores due to coldness tends facilitate the process of the removal of accumulated and infected dirt and oil in the skin and heal down the inflammation. Using it as many times as you wish guarantees faster results.



This is one of the most powerful natural herb which is a good natural treatment for pimples. The menthol in the peppermint tends to offer healing and soothing effects and reduce the redness and inflammation  by killing the bacteria which cause pimples with its anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.


Steaming is one of the best cleansing treatment for the face. It softens up and opens up skin pores as a result of which all dirt and debris find a quick outlet.   It is an ideal treatment for pimples as it greatly helps in getting rid of the infected dirt and oils to give you faster results the simple and easy way.

Remember to make use of cold water to wash face after cleansing as so it closes the pores after steaming.


It may sound absurd to many; yet toothpaste if one of the effective treatments for pimple which tends to help a great deal in  getting rid of pimples. Apply white toothpaste on the pimples and leave on for half an hour. Ensure not to make use of gel toothpastes.

Garlic For Pimples


Like lemon, garlic to is an astringent natural product and has a great many anti-viral, anti-fungal, antioxidants and antiseptic  properties  which are highly recommended  as a natural treatment for pimples. It purifies blood and having sulphur as its core ingredient, garlic tends to quickly heal pimples. Simply cut garlic in to two halves and gently rub over pimples so that its juice penetrates into the affected area.


A natural astringent known for its vigorous beauty and health benefits, lemon is an ideal natural treatment for pimples  which with its citric properties tends to curb the effect of infection and heals down pimples. Since it is a bit vigorous, people with sensitive skin should be cautious in its use.

Lemon For Pimples


This is the sweet way to get relief from pimples because honey has a number of antibiotic properties which assist in healing processes in the body wherever there is a problem. It also provides fortification against abruptions of pimples. Dab on honey with a ice of cotton on the affected area and leave  it on for at least half an hour and then wash off.

Honey as a natural treatment for pimples can also be mixed with other products that offer more effective results. mixing honey with cinnamon  and applying the paste and leaving it over night tends to minimize the size of the inflammation and facilitates its clearing away.



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