For ladies persistently worried over beauty imperfections, microdermabrasion is an in vogue practice that can help overcome beauty tarnishing facets like disturbed skin textures, aging signs, pigmentation, dark patches, murky complexion and uneven skin tones etc. This abrasive procedure is a great way to revive and redefine the freshness of your facial contours through a reinstated youthful appeal.
In our daily routines, the use of makeup is a practiced channel of crafting up good looks that last on for hours to make us feel good about ourselves. Not that there is anything wrong with that however, deep down we all know that it’s actually the natural clarity and appeal of the skin and body that matters.
Imagine shunning aside your insecurities and walking out with a crystal clear , spotless and glowing skin with absolutely nothing to hide or shy away from. Having said that, who on earth would then want to go hefty on the wallet to buy dozens of beauty products to conceal facial flaws when you can effortlessly go win hearts and feel confident about yourself naturally. Indeed a more permanent solution like microdermabrasion would be the perfect choice to turn to.
Contemporary lifestyle, routine habits, fussy diets and polluted outdoor environmental exposures; all mount up factors that lead to unwanted beauty defects which smear down the grace of the personality – not to forget self-confidence. So what is Microdermabrasion ?

It is an aesthetic beauty treatment that works in an all-encompassing manner to help reveal newer, brighter and fresher layer skin. Commonly there are two types of ways to carry out the procedure:
- An abrasive surface applicator is used to gently sand away the top affected skin surface, giving way to a new fresh and spanking new layer of skin. This layer is lighter in tone and less stained with menacing imprints of pigmentation, discoloration, aging signs and scarring.
- Spray treatment using fine particles of aluminum oxide / sodium bicarbonate with a suction vacuum to drain out the same results as that delivered through abrasive scraping.
Microdermabrasion Treatment is best for:
- Disturbed/uneven skin textures
- Sun damaged Skin
- Melasma
- Dull and sordid complexion
- Wrinkles/ fine lines and sagging skin
- Pigmentation
- Scars
- Skin lightening and enhanced complexion
- Stretch marks
- Acne

Microdermabrasion Procedure
Before you opt to go for the microdermabrasion treatment, it is always recommended to play safe and consult a dermatologist and have yourself assessed and recommended for the procedure. Discuss your medical history on priority basis with your doctor with special attention towards allergies to help identify any potential risks which may serve as an impediment in giving you all the above stated benefits of the procedure.
Prerequisites :
A few days prior to the date of the treatment, you can be advised to stop using skin products like sun creams, exfoliataors, tanning creams , waxing products some drugs like Retin –A or Accutane. etc to eradicate all traces of skin products and prepare your skin for the treatment. You may also be advised to take antiviral medication and oral antibiotics.
Phases of Treatment
It’s an hour long non-surgical procedure in which anesthesia or a numbing agent (depending on the severity of the skin issue) is applied to the area-to-be treated.
- Using a fast rotating handheld device, the outer skin layer of the target area is sprayed on gently with fine particles of aluminum oxide / sodium bicarbonate to exfoliate and sand away the outermost affected skin layer.
- Vacuum suction is continuously in use to draw out the de-flaking debris.
- The depth of the abrasion depends the severity of the area being treated.
- The skin responds in a similar manner to that of responding to minor injuries by rushing towards the treated areas to replace the lost skin cells and make arrangements for new and fresh cells.
- Mild swelling and redness of the skin will be experienced for a certain duration as the skin has been invasively scraped and exfoliated.
- After the first-time treatment , a mild ointment is applied on the skin to keep it hydrated and provide a cooling effect to the skin that minimizes customer inconvenience.
After Treatment
After a microdermabrasion treatment session, your skin will present a slightly healed look with visible results of a smoother and refined skin texture. However, care is essential for the freshly treated skin for the next few days/ weeks during which your skin will:
- Remain under the healing phase and be slightly blushed over the coming weeks.
- Since the skin will be requiring time to heal and shift in new , healthier and fresher skin cells, a slight crust/scab will form over the treated area.
- The growth of new cells in the target area may cause mild itchiness.
- Swelling will gradually reduce giving way to fresher layer of skin more pleasing and desirable.
Precautions to Ensure:
- Best to spend the next few days at home to keep safe of outdoor exposure and threats for the next few months.
- Use very mild skin products
- Avoid topical medications on the face.
- Drink ample water to keep hydrated.
- Keep treated areas away from chlorinated water
However, a common factor of confusion for women is knowing the difference between the two procedures of dermabrasion and microdermabrasion. It is important to know the distinction between the two beauty treatments to know which is best in line with the direness of your skin issue.