Indeed the appeal of smooth and shiny hair goes unsurpassed but not every individual is blessed with or is able to manage such a sound state of the hair. Dry and brittle hair is without a doubt an image-tarnishing state which is the outcome of numerous internal and external factors like dry scalp, improper care, nutritional deficiency etc.
Nevertheless, nothing to be disheartened about as there are numerous ways to treat brittle hair and revive that lost charm of healthy and give way to refreshing locks of hair that can restore your lost confidence.
How to Treat Brittle Hair
Condition the Scalp
Vigilant hair care treatments are required for dry and brittle hair because they are at the brink of their weakest state. Make use of hair conditioners and massage on to the scalp very lightly so that it enriches the scalp and makes it fortified through conditioning to give the hair strength and restore the lost moisture and shine. You can also male use of leave-in hair conditioners to give them shine and glory.
( Read More on Leave-in Conditioners)
One of the prime essentials of the hair care regimen for brittle hair is to adopt a regular oil massage on to your scalp to strengthen and nourish the scalp and hair follicles. Persistent oiling will add moisture and breathe in shine over the passage of time and offer enhanced results. Go for good hair oils that promote better hair growth like argon oil, tea tree oil etc which are acknowledged for treating and curing hair dryness and brittleness.
( Read More on Best Hair Oils)
Blow-Dry From Tips
Brittle hair on being wet is more vulnerable to falling and breakage and therefore; blow drying hair should be avoided as much as possible. For the best preventive measure, start drying the hair from the tips moving upwards as this simple cautiousness tends to protect the hair roots and cuticles from damage and lessen the chances of frizz
You may take this as a very minor approach but It is effective because brushing brittle hair tends to take the sebum from the scalp till the tips which indirectly helps in transporting the oily moisture over the full hair strand and boosts the revival of shine and moisture.
Gloss and Shine Sprays
Brittle hair can be temporarily transformed to offer you some hours of good looking lustrous hair with styling products like glossy and shine sprays. Though not a permanent solution; yet it’s a way to have shiny hair and can be your style cover if you have dry and rough fragile hair.
Wash with Cold Water
It may be an inconvenience during winter yet brittle hair is already dry and coarse and hot water merely accentuates the dehydrated state and can make brittle hair weaker leading to breakage. Try to use luke or cold water for washing hair as it will keep intact the hair shafts from being further deteriorated.
No Dyes & Chemical Treatment
This is one of the preventive; yet crucial ways to treat damaged hair through safety channels because though you might want to be at your preeminent looks of beauty with styling tools, hair dying and chemical treatments, your brittle hair is more prone to weakening and hair loss. Adhere to oiling and conditioning while simultaneously evading chemical exposure.