Chemical Peel Body Treatment


The quench to stay beautiful and young is an insatiable quest of man which is haunted and threatened by aging and skin deteriorating conditions. Aesthetic treatments have become the modern solution for anti-beauty problems of the skin and serve as  a rising  channel of restoring the beauty of the body. Chemical peel is one such body treatment that is one of the modern means to have an improved skin texture and deals with skin problems like wrinkling, pigmentation, blemishes, scars, freckles etc. Men and women pursue quick and effective means to curb these rising issues which overshadow the natural charm of looks and Chemical peel body treatments has been the choice of hundreds and hundreds of people to look younger and appealing naturally.

Chemical peel body treatment   involves the application of controlled toxic chemical  solutions that are administered on to the skin to slough off the dead and unwanted layer of skin so that a fresh and  regenerated layer surfaces. Chemical peel basically works on removing layers of skin  until desired depth is achieved to treat the condition under  treatment.  The regenerated layer of skin takes its growth roots from undamaged hair and skin tissues from the deep and undamaged hair follicles.

As a result a new layer of skin is formed through the healing process which is smoother and fresher than the removed layers and is thus an effective way to rid oneself of the rising menace of wrinkles and facial scarring and pigmentation. Chemical peel body treatment is an ideal remedy for treating chronic sun caused skin damages because they best respond to the treatment. Chemical peels are readily available in the market but for precautionary reason it is advisable to consult and seek professional help for your skin issues from a dermatologist or specialist in the field.

Chemical Peel

Types of chemical peels

Chemical peel body treatments are categorized according to the severity of the skin problem and the depth desired to peel off in order to treat the damaged skin.

  1. Alpha  hydroxyl acid include  natural acids like glycolic acid and are the mildest form of chemical  peel for body and facial skin treatment of problems like dried skin, pigmentation and acne. They can be use with facial washes in the skin care regimen to improve the skin tone  and texture by gradually peeling of layers of skin which result in the eradication of scars and pigmentation. Some slight side effects of this chemical peel body treatment may include redness, stinging and mild irritation.
  2. Beta hydroxyl acid peel  is a stronger body treatment that the one mentioned above and is used for deeper removal of skin layers  and pores. This chemical peel  procedure tends to subdue the secretion of sebum  and also works effectively to remove dead skin cells and is ideal for acne treatment.
  3. Jessener’s peel body treatment uses salicylic acid, lactic acid and resorcinol in an ethanol base. It is a more complicated chemical peel which is used to break intracellular bonds between keratinocytes.
  4. Retinoic acid chemical peel is a body treatment that is used mostly by plastic surgeons, dermatologists etc. It is one of the most effective chemical body treatment for scars and wrinkles as it penetrates and acts deeper than beta hydroxyl acids. It’s used in conjunction with the jessner’s process of chemical peel. The results of peeling tend to show after a lapse f 2-3 days. The treatment sessions depend upon the severity of the skin problem to be treated.
  5. Phenol is another chemical used for peeling off skin layers and it is the most painful one and is conducted with the use of anesthesia or heavy sedations. They are to be practiced and used by professional help

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