The worst possible look you could have on the face is of horrid looking pimples which tend to undermine the facial grace. Oily skin, improper skin care and the age of puberty are some of the paramount reasons which cause the emanation of pimples. Their accentuated stage like that of acne, can be very painful and definitely undesirable. For fast and quick results you can always make use of cosmetic and medicines, but there are also some economic herbal cures for pimples which not only combat the infestation but also ensure that no facial scar or stain remains behind. Some of the best herbal cures for pimples which you can try, Include the following:
- Neem leaves and turmeric are herbal cures for an indefinite number of issues related to body health they are also known for their beauty effects and healing properties. The combined mixture of neem leaves and turmeric with their antibacterial and healing properties vigorously bring down the accentuated look of pimples and restore the natural glow and charm of a clear face.
- Garlic; has the core component allicin, which tends to offer powerful outcomes when rubbed on to the affected area and vigorously lessens their inflamed popped up look. This is one of best herbal cures to treat hard and big pimples.
- Lemon juice is one of the stringiest natural ingredients known for its rough and tough herbal action which has served as a miracle treatment for many skin issues and is also one of the best natural ways to have a pimple free face. Mix it up with a bit of rose water and apply the solution over the affected area and eave on for half an hour then wash off. It will abate the size of pimples and also ensure that no scar remains behind.
- A mixture of Grated apple pulp and honey is another great herbal cure for pimples which with the strong antibacterial and healing properties offer a potent counter-effect and heal down the inflammation of pimples.
- Fruits such as raw papaya juice, tomatoes , cucumber, etc are some very effective ways to treat pimples at home. Apply their juice on the affected area and leave on for a while then wash off.
- Mint leave juice is one of the best herbal cures for pimples which deals with the issue of pimples with the menthol properties that target the infested area and rid it if the infection and heal down the horrid look.
- Aloe Vera is one of the top natural herbs used in cosmetic that offers great relief from infinite skin problems and for pimples too; it is a great herbal cure. Its regular application will show effective results in a short span of time.
- Last but not the least; some of the best herbal cures for pimples include fresh vegetables such as spinach, mushrooms, broccoli, and asparagus are some of the richest sources that have natural ingredients that assist in treating pimples.